Oral Presentations
The following time has been allocated for presentations:
- Plenary: 60 minutes total, including Q&A
- Invited: 25 minutes plus five minutes for Q&A
- Contributed: 12 minutes plus three minutes for Q&A
All presenters will be utilizing a conference laptop. You should have a copy of the presentation readily available on a USB flash drive, and it is strongly recommended that you must copy the data to this conference PC during break time. This conference laptop’s presentation tool supports PowerPoint and Adobe Reader.
Poster Presentations
- Presentation time: 90 minutes
The committee has poster panels with W900 mm x H2100 mm sizes (portrait orientation) available. Each poster board will be numbered with push pins provided.
IWGO 2022 logomark
It has been designed with the inspiration from Nagano’s beautiful starry sky, mountains, and rivers.
High-resolution data (PNG, 300 dpi) can be downloaded here.